Wednesday, September 16, 2015

More on the Hai-who tip.

The following passages are from writing that may have not received a high star count from classmates, but something about it spoke  to me or offered a fresh take on the assignment. Can you guess what I found notable? Leave a comment.

The Military
The giant weight they carry
Career they marry

Mini Moi”
Her aesthetic levitates on mind-numbing doodles
And helps me forget that this world is brutal
With her undying will and sewing know-how
The only word I have to describe my sister is, “Wow!”
                                -Mylene Perlas
Silently alone
She felt distant from the world
Trapped in her own mind
                                -Cassie Parks
Musical Erin
Eating pizza and reading
Friendly and benign
A new friend to all
Bringing you into her life
She is irreplaceable.
Song is my Escape
The sweet music in my ears
Lets me feel my rest
                                -Marcino N.
This is a haiku
Or is this just a Hai-who?
I don’t really know…
                                -Ryan Le

I am no artist, athlete or genius…
I am the negative stigma that people call weird and freaks…
On the one hand, you have the me that you see daily…
Then there is the other side of me… that’s forced to stay shut.


If I enter the blog, I will copy your work as is. If there are mistakes, you should correct them before you give it to me. Writers often employ artistic license, and I have no idea if your creative grammar is intentional. Take pride in your work and always make efforts toward fluency.

Monday, September 14, 2015

B Day Highest-Rated Hai-who's

the sun still burns hot
a thrifted wool Pendleton
young death by heat stroke
                                -Lisa Lupe
My name is Sarah
And I hate mascara
It gets in my eye
And I want to cry
                                -Sarah Ayubi
School is not my thing
Sitting, listening, homework
I wish I was home
                                -Case Stallings
Iowa he wears
Comes from the underwood-life
Two of them in class
                                -Ryan Shuman
With Kind hands I ride
Only hoofbeats can be heard
This horse has my heart
                                -Kathryn  Francis
My whip fom is lit
My nae nae is lit too
I dance very good
                                -Grant Fuller
Flat tube of toothpaste
Bland icon of their conflicts
Just thrown out of sight
                                -Kendall Moffett
A gamer with gain.
English runs deep in her veins.
A reader for pain.
                                -Christina Terrazas
Eric Sakmyster
Lacrosse is the game
Pizza is the way
Two drumsticks one drum
He escapes reality
Is Aditya

“Mother Nature’s Discipline”
blossoms like tumbleweeds that litter our
                wilting Utopia.
we live in the city of clean cars and
                dirty streets.
the only silencers are holy thunder and
                lawful lightning
but plants die and rocks will weather
as the wind and rain wash us away.
                                -Jasmine Lander

A Day Highest-Rated Hai-who's

I’ve heard of a girl
With a passion for soccer
Her name’s Morgan Kerns

Petty loves soccer
We share a taste in sneakers
As well as in taste
-Matt Yorkilous

I was born to skate
As a fetus, I could shred
Kick flips are so clean.
We share just our names
Extraordinary Lexi
Holds a caring heart

 “Striking Strides of a Freedom Eagle”
She is a runner,
Who soars miles near and far.
Giving it her all.
                        -Rachel Stegmeier

Eats pizza. Hates corn.
What she loves is to perform
Cecilia B.
                        -Dani Stelly

Love. Life. Dance. Theater.
From the top, 5,6,7,8
Lights, Camera, Action
                                -Angela V.
Softspoken and kind
She dances around the Clock”
“Front Ensemble
How it changed my life,
The Front Ensemble magic.
New talents appear!
                                -Jean Lim
He really loves band
Favorite food is bacon
Carolina Crown
                                -Raveen Omr

small but powerful
running through life with big dreams
basically great
                                -Lahari B.
His name is Peacher
Student, Athlete, Hard-Worker,
Plays tons of baseball
                                Cameron Peacher
Shayna is short,
and she still plays basketball,
but balls on the court.
                        -Isabelle Clavelli

I am Adrian
I like to draw cause it’s fun
Chicken Sandwiches
                                -Adrian Rosas
Sand meets the water
tasting the salt on my lips
radiating sun

Give all less than three
Always parentheses equal sign
And you will be good
                                -Veona Mills

My name is Victor
I enjoy eating good food
life is Very cool.
                                -Victor Diaz

Friday, September 11, 2015

Stacy and the Goodbar

Although, this can serve as a model for you, it is far from perfect. I encourage you to emulate what you see. Take the best of the style and incorporate it into your writing. The length of the moment is about right. Notice any details that you like. Think about the voice. Feel free to TAG my writing below, because it is never perfect and I can use advice too.

Stacy and the Goodbar

    Something struck me as strange, all of a sudden. Somehow, I knew that I was being watched. I disengaged from the hilarious story my brother was telling mid-laugh and looked to the left. Sure enough, there were two beady, little, round eyes staring right back at me, well maybe not right at my face, but definitely in my direction. Attempting to see the object that Stacy was ogling, I looked downward. When my eyes landed on the small bag of Hershey’s Miniatures my brother was holding in between us, I knew I had figured it out.
     Wherever there was food, Stacy was usually nearby with her grubby little paws at the ready. Most of the time she was able to swoop in and wrap her talons around her prey before the victim was aware his snack was even gone. Not this time, vulture! I'm onto you! I shall have that last tasty morsel of chocolate, not you! Your thieving ways shall soon be thwarted!
    Memories of past friends who had fallen victim to this snack snatcher flooded my mental archive, bolstering my cognizance, and prepping my reaction time for this very moment. Laura’s lost bag of Funyons, Vanessa’s Skittles, and Donny’s Cheeze-its had all been consumed in a cyclone of greed and gluttony called Hurricane Stacy.
     Perhaps witnessing the great stand-off over Martha’s disco fries best prepared me. It was after the fall production when we all ventured to the Forum diner for the default endcap to such an event. While everyone was busy sharing stories of nearly missed entrances and flubbed lines, Stacy presumptuously reached across the table to pluck the cheesiest fry from the top of a brown-gravy drenched pile, but Martha was too quick. She quickly smacked back the encroaching claw and shouted her down. “Eww, what are you doing?! Don’t touch my fries!” Out of fear for being permanently outed, the would be thief recoiled. Not a drop of gravy was lost nor a string of mozzarella cheese devoured, and I was now empowered with epiphany. Years of wondering how my snack had so quickly dissipated without offering any satisfaction, were offered an answer. I had brought them in order to stave off hunger pains though play rehearsal, yet my stomach never had a chance to be satiated! There was a thief, an interloper in my private snack sanctuary. I fell victim to a nosh ninja! Today, it ended.
    As my brother continued his story of unfortunate events, rattling on about our mother on a rollercoaster, I held a vigilant watch. I noticed her as she noticed the bag of treats get lighter, our friends each enjoying their favorite flavor. There were only a few left, then just one. It was a Mr. Goodbar, my favorite. It would be mine, oh yes; it would be mine, or it would offer just sacrifice. I called upon my acting skills to hold up the air that I was thoroughly invested in my brother’s tale. Stacy looked on as Laura laughed, Donny chuckled, and I giggled along in feigned interest.
     Like a panther stalking its prey through the trees along the mighty Amazon, she moved through the seats of the auditorium unnoticed by all, except one. She was unaware that the hunter had now become the hunted. As the others had their fill of sweets and became lost in the calamity of our mother spewing profanity on a roller coaster, Stacy closed in.
     Just as she arrived in the neighboring row, and her eyes locked on the dually desired treasure, I faked a lunge toward the bag. Out of panic-stricken fear for losing the object of her ravenous desire, she frantically leapt forward. Her lunge was far bigger and noticeable than mine. The entirety of her small, pear-shaped frame practically flew over the remaining theatre seat that lay obstacle and pounced on the prize. Her hands almost maniacally seized the bag in a crinkly fury of loosed obsession. My brother’s audience also leapt, in utter, honest fear. Donny landed clumsily in Laura’s arms. Startled screams of surprise echoed through the auditorium. I forced a surprised look across my countenance as Stacy’s face hung low in chocolate guilt. I could swear that there was a yellow wrapper hanging from her incisors. As she panted heavily in gasps of guilt, I tried to hold back the vengeful smile forcing its way across my face. Alas, I could not. "Ha!" Although I did not taste chocolatey goodness that day, I knew my food of the future had found safe passage. Plus, it was just plain funny!

For more examples, peruse (that means check out) CLICK ME

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Haiku are traditionally a Japanese form of poetry in three lines and seventeen syllables (5-7-5). In modern times many have created humorous takes on haiku. In class, we made haiku about each other.

Here is one about me and by me                                           Revised...

His name is Kalbaugh                                                     The fifth b Kalbaugh
Father, Teacher, Director,                                               Father, Teacher, Director
He plays many roles                                                        Now plays diff-rent roles

Yes, in the revised example, I took poetic license. the mistakes are supposed to be there.

I gave some of you the option of writing a quatrain instead, just in case you like your poems with a bit of rhyme. Something  like...

Mr. Kalbaugh grew up in New York State
Where he resided, until a twist of fate
Brought him to sunny Virginia
Where he tries to hammer some English in ya'!